Evolve is the creation of a Digital shared service for all HSCNI organisations.

The evolve programme is a key change programme that will help unlock the potential of digital technology to transform how we care for patients and clients in Health and Social Care (HSC).
evolve will create a single regional digital delivery directorate, combining all the staff and services that work across digital delivery in the HSC – including Trusts BSO and Arm’s Length Bodies.
This will be home to around 1,000 staff delivering digital services that will enable the care of our patients and clients, and be known as HSC Digital.
“The core aim of the evolve Programme is to create one unified digital delivery capability for HSC by merging Trust, BSO and ALB IT teams into a single delivery directorate for HSC”
Digital Strategy for HSC 2022-2030
The evolve Programme will create opportunities for staff working in digital in HSC. It will create new career pathways, a bigger pool of resources across the system that will allow a more robust service to be delivered, and allow greater depth across the specialisms in digital roles. It also allows economies of scales on activity – all ultimately benefiting patients through better service for staff and care givers.
For more information please visit: The evolve Programme – Business Services Organisation (BSO) Website (hscni.net)
Page last updated: 6 November 2024