Glossary of terms
Term | Definition/explanation |
Acute Care | A range of clinical Health Care functions delivered in hospitals e.g. Emergency Medicine, trauma care and critical care etc |
ADT | Admission Discharge and Transfers |
AHP | Allied Health Professional e.g. occupational health therapists, operating department practitioners, physiotherapists, podiatrists, radiographers, speech and language therapists, dieticians |
AHR | Access to Health Records |
ALB | Arms Length Bodies including HSCB, PHA, NIAS etc |
Application | Any software program that enables the end-user to perform specific, productive tasks, such as word processing or image manipulation. |
BSO | The Business Services Organisation is responsible for the provision of a range of business support and specialist professional services to the whole of the Health and Social Care sector including, HR, finance, legal services, procurement, ICT and other services. |
BSO ITS | Business Services Organisation Information Technology Services – A directorate of BSO. |
Community Care | An alternative to hospital care, community care is delivered in the patient's own home or in a residential or care home setting to people who may be disabled, elderly or mentally ill. |
ECR/NIECR | Electronic Care Record/Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record |
EHCR | Electronic Health Care Record |
EIR | Environmental Information Regulations |
EPR/EHR | Electronic Patient Record/ Electronic Health Record |
FAQ's | Frequently Asked Questions |
FBC | Full Business Case |
FOI | Freedom of Information Act |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulations |
GP | General Practitioner |
Hardware | Any physical part of a computer that you can touch this comprises of the main system unit, a display screen, a keyboard, a mouse, and sometimes a printer. It also includes the digital circuitry. |
Health Record | Same as Electronic Care Record - used to record patient's medical and personal information |
HRA | Human Rights Act |
HSCNI | Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland |
ICT | Information Communication Technology |
IP | Inpatient |
IT | Information Technology |
My Chart | MyChart Virtual Care, shows patients and their caregivers a personalised care plan. The care plan is available from mobile phones, and anyone with access to it can check off daily to-dos or read educational information as they need it |
OOH | Out of Hours GP Services |
OP | Outpatient |
PAS | Patient Administration System - A system used to support patient management, record and manage hospital activity, including tracking patients, admissions, ward attendances and appointments. |
Portable Document Format | |
PPI | Personal and Public Involvement |
Primary Care | Health care provided by a medical professional (such as a general practitioner, paediatrician, or nurse) with whom a patient has initial contact and by whom the patient may be referred to a specialist |
Secondary Care | Similar to acute care, traditionally care delivered by hospitals |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMT | Senior Management Team |
SRO | Senior Responsible Owner - Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health |
Standardisation | The process of making something conform to a standard. |
"training ensured standardisation of procedures at all sites" | |
TIG | The Transformation Implementation Group are the Sponsoring Group for encompass, their role is to: * Provide leadership * Resolve strategic and directional issues * Provide continued commitment and endorsement to the Programme * Advise and support the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) * Confirm the successful delivery and closure of the encompass Programme |
Page last updated: 17 October 2022